Cinematographic Devices in the Film City of God


  • Lilian Fontes Moreira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro



Image, Audiovisual Media, Cinematic Apparatus, Television Series


In order to think the current culture, the communication practices, the incidence of interference image in the production of new types of knowledge, in this paper we will approach the relationship between image as cinematic apparatus and its conceptual, historical and technical aspects to analyze its performance as narration. In an era in which it appears that the images intervenes in consciousness and in the contemporary representation and thus is becoming an important device in the revelation of realities and the construction of the social imaginary, the present work analyzes the Brazilian film City of God, conducted by director Fernando Meirelles, in 2002, considered a landmark in Brazilian cinema of the period, by the boldness of the language used to convert to images the history of violent gangs fighting over the control of drug trafficking in a community of the city of Rio de Janeiro. We will try, then, to identify the techniques used by the camera as devices able to create the effects needed to immerse the viewer in the narrative of the film.


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How to Cite

Fontes Moreira, L. (2015). Cinematographic Devices in the Film City of God. VISUAL REVIEW. International Visual Culture Review Revista Internacional De Cultura Visual, 2(1), 31–38.



Research articles